The research in the Computational Soft Matter Group revolves around using the tools rooted in thermodynamics and statistical physics to understand phase transitions in nature. We apply these techniques to a wide range of systems, including ice formation in the atmosphere, hydrate nucleation, protein aggregation and colloidal crystallization. Here are some active projects that we are pursuing at the moment.
Research News
39. Designing membranes with specific binding sites for selective ion separations
C. Violet, A. Ball, M. Heiranian, L. F. Villalobos, J. Zhang, B. Uralcan, H. Kulik, A. Haji-Akbari & M. Elimelech.
38. Nanocrystal Assemblies: Current Advances and Open Problems
Bassani C.L., van Anders G., Banin U., Baranov D., Chen Q., Dijkstra M., Dimitriyev M.S., Efrati E., Faraudo J., Gang O., Gaston N., Golestanian R., G
37. Estimating Position-Dependent and Anisotropic Diffusivity Tensors from MD Trajectories: Existing Methods and Future Outlook
Domingues T. S., Coifman R., Haji-Akbari, A. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2024, 20, 11, 4427–4455.