Amir chaired two sessions in the CoMSEF area group, the “Special Session in Honor of Prof. Sharon Glotzer’s 60th Birthday” and the “Faculty Candidate in CoMSEF/Area 1a”. He also gave two talks titled “Divergence between Structure and Nucleation Outcome in Heterogeneous Nucleation of Close-Packed Crystals” and “Far and Few in between: Probing Structure-Selectivity Relationship in Membranes Using Path Sampling Techniques”.
Betul gave a talk on Tuesday titled “Advancing Boron Removal Performance in Capacitative Deionization”. Omar gave a talk on Tuesday titled “Finite Size Effects and Structure-Selectivity Relationships in Ion Transport Through Nanopores”. Arlind gave a talk on Wednesday titled “Effect of Pressure on the Conformational Landscape of Human γD-Crystallin from Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Simulations”.
Fernanda and Kimia presented posters at the poster session on Monday titled “Can Classical Nucleation Theory Describe Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Non-Uniform Surfaces?” and “Computational Investigation of Reaction Coordinate Optimality for Ice Nucleation Studies”, respectively.